- 主题:Why do we need to learn English?
"Why don't learn English?"
【 在 tokilltime 的大作中提到: 】
: 你这篇么?跟tone没关系
: 语法错误明晃晃放在那 我好心提醒一句 看来你也看不出来 那就这样吧 反正你把英语用得好像没上过学似的 丢人的是你又不是我
: :
: ...................
FROM 221.219.30.*
you, are,不要乱缩写
【 在 tracychen100 的大作中提到: 】
: Because we want to avoid stupidity.
: If u trap urself in only 1 language, trust me, u r not far from the stupidity and stubbornness.
: English can open a door for u to embrace the world and seek the brilliance. Why don’t learn English?
: ...................
FROM 221.219.30.*
【 在 RichardZeus 的大作中提到: 】
: "Why don't learn English?"
: 【 在 tokilltime 的大作中提到: 】
: ....................
FROM 111.192.40.*
【 在 tracychen100 的大作中提到: 】
: No, 99% of Chinese learn English
: 【 在 TonyTBP 的大作中提到: 】
: : 所以大部分美国人学了另一门语言了吗,你这个就默认中文世界是stupid
※ 修改:·TonyTBP 于 Jan 29 11:30:06 2020 修改本文·[FROM: 124.64.16.*]
※ 来源:·最水木 客户端·[FROM: 124.64.16.*]
修改:TonyTBP FROM 124.64.16.*
FROM 124.64.16.*
Why should I listen to u?
Some ppl don’t know the cuz, so I don’t use it.
Is there a problem here?
Btw, u r not qualified to judge me. send me ur audios. Then we talk
【 在 RichardZeus 的大作中提到: 】
: you, are,不要乱缩写
: 那么爱缩写,第一个词Because就出卖了你,应该用Cuz
FROM 114.246.96.*
Too ignorant to see the truth
Send me ur audios to justify urself
Still waiting for ur audios ~~
【 在 tokilltime 的大作中提到: 】
: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
: 他是真不知道
FROM 114.246.96.*
【 在 tracychen100 的大作中提到: 】
: Because we want to avoid stupidity.
: If u trap urself in only 1 language, trust me, u r not far from the stupidity and stubbornness.
: English can open a door for u to embrace the world and seek the brilliance. Why don’t learn English?
: ...................
FROM 111.201.242.*
【 在 tracychen100 (俺是事业女性成翠喜) 的大作中提到: 】
: Because we want to avoid stupidity.
: If u trap urself in only 1 language, trust me, u r not far from the stupidity and stubbornness.
: English can open a door for u to embrace the world and seek the brilliance. Why don’t learn English?
: ...................
FROM 14.131.234.*
Whatever, at least I don't give a shit like "why don't learn English?"
【 在 tracychen100 的大作中提到: 】
: Why should I listen to u?
: Some ppl don’t know the cuz, so I don’t use it.
: Is there a problem here?
: ...................
修改:RichardZeus FROM 221.219.30.*
FROM 221.219.30.*
哈哈哈你不用等 我也从来没答应过要发
【 在 tracychen100 的大作中提到: 】
: Too ignorant to see the truth
: Send me ur audios to justify urself
: Still waiting for ur audios ~~
: ....................
※ 修改:·tokilltime 于 Jan 29 12:24:42 2020 修改本文·[FROM: 111.192.40.*]
※ 来源:·最水木 客户端·[FROM: 111.192.40.*]
修改:tokilltime FROM 111.192.40.*
FROM 111.192.40.*