【 在 Lcsccc (大海巨浸,含蓄深远|踏雪无痕) 的大作中提到: 】
: g170-b30c320x2-s4824661760-d122953669 Elo积分: 1908
: g170-b40c256x2-s5095420928-d1229425124 Elo积分: 1919
: g170e-b20c256x2-s5303129600-d1228401921 Elo积分:1645
: ...................
Neural nets resulting from final learning rate drops. Some of the experimental uses of external data were continued here, but the large gains are most definitely due to learning rate drops rather than those uses. The last three nets in this table are KataGo's final nets from this run!
FROM 112.47.163.*