20210620 修订:
“神经网络CTR预估模型(续)”章节新增 《 Multi-View Deep Learning Approach for Cross Domain User Modeling in Recommendation Systems》 (MV-DNN 模型)
新增“系统架构”章节,并新增 《Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems》
新增“神经网络推荐算法(续)”,并新增《Related Pins at Pinterest: The Evolution of a Real-World Recommender System》(Pinterest 推荐系统), 《Deep Learning Recommendation Model for Personalization and Recommendation Systems》(DLRM), 《Applying Deep Learning To Airbnb Search》,《Improving Deep Learning For Airbnb Search》, 《HOP-Rec: High-Order Proximity for Implicit Recommendation》,《Neural Collaborative Filtering》,《Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering》
详细内容参考 www.huaxiaozhuan.com
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