- 主题:openai这次o1不太行
【 在 williamtong 的大作中提到: 】
: 这已经比一个字的后面算概率确定下一个字强太多了
: 【 在 VincentGe 的大作中提到: 】
: : 方向不太好,如果按照我的理解,这个模型最合适的地方是合成数据。
FROM 113.143.107.*
5.11 is larger than 5.9. When comparing decimal numbers, the larger number is determined by the digits to the right of the decimal point. Since 11 is greater than 9, 5.11 is bigger than 5.9.
【 在 alpaca 的大作中提到: 】
: 昨天看微博上说还是没解决5.11>5.9这类问题
FROM 114.249.214.*
看来是回滚了,ta之前的回答4.9 is bigger than 4.11.
This is because 4.9 is equivalent to 4.90, and when compared to 4.11, 90 is greater than 11.
【 在 freevictor 的大作中提到: 】
: 5.11 is larger than 5.9. When comparing decimal numbers, the larger number is determined by the digits to the right of the decimal point. Since 11 is greater than 9, 5.11 is bigger than 5.9.
FROM 117.36.119.*
【 在 alpaca 的大作中提到: 】
: 看来是回滚了,ta之前的回答4.9 is bigger than 4.11.
: This is because 4.9 is equivalent to 4.90, and when compared to 4.11, 90 is greater than 11.
: 以上是第一次问以后的回答,不是让ta自己纠错后的结果
修改:alpaca FROM 117.36.119.*
FROM 117.36.119.*