- 主题:11岁还不会说话的自闭症成为剑桥最年轻的黑人教授
He finally began to read and write in his late teens, supported by his mentor, college tutor and close friend, Sandro Sandri. He then studied Physical Education and Education Studies at the University of Surrey before training as a PE teacher. During this time, he became aware of the possibility of postgraduate study, and at 22 told Sandri that he was considering a PhD.
He remembers that conversation as a turning point. “Sandro told me: ‘I think you can do this: I think we can take on the world and win.’ Looking back, that was when I first really believed in myself. A lot of academics say they stumbled into this line of work, but from that moment I was determined and focused: I knew that this would be my goal.”
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都是新闻里转载的啊, 2018年,然后就去大学当讲师,然后又去另外一个大学当副教授2021年又成一个大学的教授,2023年去剑桥大学当教授了。
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【 在 yyhn1959 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在我有一种认识,或许是片面的,就是那些后来正常工作生活的所谓脱帽的都不是asd。
FROM 120.244.20.*
【 在 Zziizi 的大作中提到: 】
: 18岁还不会读写,22岁考虑读博士,也就是说2008年考虑读博士,用了8年,读了2个硕士学位,一个博士学位。2016年博士毕业。
: 真是一个奇迹。
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