【 在 Heidegger 的大作中提到: 】
: 认车标也不要过于放大。。。男孩子正常的小时候也会去认、收集汽车玩具,去喜欢辨认各种型号的战斗机、枪械等等;过于杯弓蛇影了现在,所以幼儿园老师也会发表一下意见
: Since many typically developing young children have strong preferences and enjoy repetition (e.g., eating the same foods, watching the same video multiple times), distinguishing restricted and repetitive behav- iors that are diagnostic of autism spectrum disorder can be difficult in preschoolers. The clinical distinction is based on the type, frequency, and intensity of the behavior (e.g., a child who daily lines up objects for hours and is very distressed if any item is moved).
: 这是dsm-5说的
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