Prof. Ning Cai at HKUST(Guangzhou) plans to recruit PhD students in FinTech (金融科技) or Financial Engineering (金融工程) who are expected to start their PhD studies in Fall 2023.
(1). Prof. Cai's background
Prof. Cai is currently professor and acting thrust head of the FinTech Thrust at HKUST(Guangzhou). He received his Ph.D. in operations research (financial engineering) in the Dept of IEOR at Columbia University and both B.S. and M.S. in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University.
He has published papers in the top-tier journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Mathematical Finance, Mathematics of Operations Research, and INFORMS Journal on Computing. Currently he serves as associate editor for Operations Research.
For more information about Prof. Cai, please see his homepage below.
(2). Prof. Cai's research interests
(a). FinTech
--- Data analysis/statistical inference with privacy preservation; machine learning in finance; climate finance and carbon finance
(b). Financial engineering and risk management
--- Credit risk; liquidity risk; systemic risk; unified approaches to derivatives pricing
(c). Applied probability and stochastic modeling
--- Financial modeling; Monte Carlo simulation; probabilistic analysis of various financial models
(3). Requirements
(a). A strong mathematical background
Applicants with bachelor or master degrees in mathematics, including pure math, applied math, computational math, financial math/financial engineering, probability, statistics, data science, optimization, and machine learning, are preferred. I also invite applications from those with strong analytical skills but with bachelor or master degrees in other areas related to FinTech or financial engineering.
(b). Self-motivated and highly interested in conducting research in the areas of FinTech and/or financial engineering.
(4). Postgraduate Studentship
CNY 15,000 per month, up to 4 years for full-time PhD students
(5). Application procedure
If interested, please send your CV and transcripts directly to .
FROM 219.220.145.*