乔治梅森大学(George Mason University) 计算机工程系(ECE/CE) 陈翔 (Xiang Chen) 教授 招收2021年春季博士生2名。
1)High Performance Mobile Computing with Machine Intelligence;2)Cyber Security for Machine Learning; 3)Distributed Mobile Network。
现提供全奖名额2名,提供全部学费减免,及$2000左右月薪。需要招收的学生背景不限(电子或计算机相关专业本科应届毕业生最佳), 主要课题方向为HPC, AI, Mobile system。如感兴趣请把你的简历(包括毕业学校、科研经历,相关成绩等信息)发往:xchen26@gmu.edu。
George Mason University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering within the Volgenau School of Engineering, invites application for two PhD positions in the general area of mobile computing topics in Spring 2021. Fully financial supports (RA or TA) will be provided.
Successful candidates should be highly self-motivated to pursue independent and interdisciplinary research. Background in one or more of the following areas is preferred: programming, image analysis, and embedded systems.
The main campus of George Mason University is located in the City of Fairfax, Virginia, approximately 15 miles (24 km) west of Washington, DC. Mason is now ranked among the highest research institutions by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. U.S. News and World Report ranks Mason as one of the top 10 "Up-and-Coming Institutions" for national universities, and top 100 "Best Engineering Graduate Schools" in Electrical & Computer Engineering (#60 in CE). It is currently the largest and most diverse university in Virginia.
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