NDMA's contamination of drinking water is of particular concern due to the minute concentrations at which it is harmful, the difficulty in detecting it at these concentrations, and to the difficulty in removing it from drinking water. It does not readily biodegrade, adsorb, or volatilize. As such, it cannot be removed by activated carbon and travels easily through soils.
【 在 xiaoju (可爱的龙猫) 的大作中提到: 】
: 回帖要看贴,不要无脑粉黑
: 原话是“毒发的毒只是吸入性的,在自然界极易分解成无害物质,比煤油稳定性低多了。强氧化和强还原剂能存在几天。。。”
FROM 79.193.125.*