- 主题:2021年5月15日 RocketLab Electron发射Blacksky卫星失败
An issue was experienced during today's launch, resulting in the loss of the mission. We are deeply sorry to our launch customers BlackSky and Spaceflight.
The issue occurred following second stage ignition during the flight on May 15, 2021 UTC, resulting in the loss of the mission. The launch vehicle’s second stage remained within the predicted launch corridor and caused no harm to the public, Rocket Lab’s launch or recovery crews, or the launch site. Electron’s first stage safely completed a successful splashdown under parachute and Rocket Lab’s recovery team is working to retrieve the stage from the ocean as planned
修改:scramjet FROM 58.101.146.*
FROM 58.101.146.*
【 在 scramjet (用扯淡的态度,面对操蛋的人生...) 的大作中提到: 】
: 一二级分离后,二级姿态失稳,一级成功伞降回收
: An issue was experienced during today's launch, resulting in the loss of the mission. We are deeply sorry to our launch customers BlackSky and Spaceflight.
: The issue occurred following second stage ignition during the flight on May 15, 2021 UTC, resulting in the loss of the mission. The launch vehicle’s second stage remained within the predicted launch corridor and caused no harm to the public, Rocket
: ...................
FROM 93.234.241.*
【 在 EricCartman (Screw you guys, I'm going home.) 的大作中提到: 】
: 他们家发射成功率还是挺高的。
: 这次是主任务失败。
FROM 208.82.100.*