- 主题:Webb的太阳伞、次镜都就位了
Most Recently Completed:
Secondary Mirror Deployment Complete
The Secondary Mirror is fully deployed and latched.
Nominal Event Time: New Date: Launch+11 days - Wednesday 1/5/22
Status: Complete. RE-Watch: Live Broadcast
Webb's secondary mirror is fully deployed. Webb's secondary mirror had to deploy in microgravity, and in extremely cold temperatures, and it ultimately had to work the first time without error. It also had to deploy, position, and lock itself into place to a tolerance of about one and a half millimeters, and then it has to stay extremely stable while the telescope points to different places in the sky – and that’s all for a secondary mirror support structure that is over 7 meters in length. Webb's secondary mirror is at the end of the Secondary Mirror Support Structure (SMSS). The secondary mirror plays an important role in reflecting the light from the primary mirror to where the instruments sit, behind the primary mirror.
FROM 36.112.41.*
【 在 mdkkurt (无畏) 的大作中提到: 】
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: Most Recently Completed:
: ...................
FROM 116.232.79.*

FROM 117.181.49.*
FROM 223.104.244.*
【 在 mdkkurt 的大作中提到: 】
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: Most Recently Completed:
: ...................
FROM 118.116.111.*
FROM 223.70.179.*
【 在 mdkkurt 的大作中提到: 】
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: Most Recently Completed:
: ...................
FROM 222.129.0.*
【 在 mdkkurt 的大作中提到: 】
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: Most Recently Completed:
: ...................
FROM 223.91.74.*
【 在 mdkkurt 的大作中提到: 】
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: 看来还比较顺利,完全成功应该是比较大概率了。
: Most Recently Completed:
: ...................
FROM 223.91.74.*
【 在 moonwalker 的大作中提到: 】
: 从这件事来看,美国的科技实力No1还是妥妥的。
FROM 218.241.231.*