"The Astranis engineering team has been doing an incredible job working around the clock to troubleshoot the issue," Gedmark said. "We have now reproduced the problem on the ground in a vacuum chamber, zeroed in on the exact source of the failure, and know how to fix it for future spacecraft.
问题起因 不明,没法举一反三啊 【 在 strongcat 的大作中提到: 】 : 已经确认是卫星自己的问题,地面都重现了问题 : "The Astranis engineering team has been doing an incredible job working around the clock to troubleshoot the issue," Gedmark said. "We have now reproduced the problem on the ground in a vacuum chamber, zeroed in on the exact source of the failure, and know how to fix it for future spacecraft. : -- FROM 219.236.27.*
啥意思?没看懂这句话? We have now reproduced the problem on the ground in a vacuum chamber, zeroed in on the exact source of the failure, and know how to fix it for future spacecraft.