- 主题:国际空间站种植的萝卜
FROM 111.201.133.*

【 在 urelive 的大作中提到: 】
FROM 111.30.223.*
FROM 120.244.238.*
FROM 222.67.122.*
【 在 larryxin 的大作中提到: 】
: 居然都能往一个方向长
FROM 219.134.157.*
【 在 missinfailed 的大作中提到: 】
: 花和叶的生长主要靠光照方向,这和茎里面生长素对光的敏感性有关;
: 得看看根是不是一个方向长,这个主要受重力影响
FROM 111.9.5.*
FROM 111.198.229.*
【 在 Tschuess 的大作中提到: 】
: 为啥国际空间站也开始种萝卜?
: --
发自「今日水木 on V2056A」
FROM 223.72.91.*
【 在 Tschuess 的大作中提到: 】
: 为啥国际空间站也开始种萝卜?
Have you ever thought about what astronauts eat when they’re in space? What would they eat if they had to
travel all the way to Mars (火星) ? A lot of the food astronauts eat is processed (加工过的) because it’s simple to
eat and easy to take into space. However, some vitamins (维生素) can break down if the food is stored for a long
time. People may have health problems if they eat processed food every day.
Growing fresh food in space might help astronauts stay healthy. It would also give them more food choices.
Fresh vegetables grown on Earth have many nutrients (营养物质) that processed food do not have. However, we
don’t know if vegetables grown in space are the same. Another worry is making sure that these vegetables don’t have
the bacteria or fungi (细菌或真菌) that could make people sick.
Luckily, we have a plant growth room called Veggie on ISS (the International Space Station). We used Veggie
to find out if it’s possible to grow nutritious and safe food in space.
We used Veggie to grow red lettuce (红生菜) over three years. We compared these (ISS-grown) vegetables to
those grown at the same time on Earth. They were grown under the same conditions as on the ISS. We did research
on the leaves and roots of all the lettuce plants. And we did not find any differences in nutrients between ISS-grown
lettuce and Earth-grown produce. This means that it is possible to grow nutritious and safe food on ISS and astronauts
should be able to eat vegetables grown in Veggie without worrying about getting sick.
Even though our lettuce is safe to eat, we still need to work out two problems. Firstly, there are more bacteria
and fungi on ISS-grown lettuce. The wet environment in Veggie is probably the reason. Secondly, there are some
differences in nutrients between the vegetables we grew in different years. Plants can change with too much or too
little water, but it is hard to water plants in zero gravity (零重力) . Therefore, we need to make sure that growing
environments are consistent in Veggie. Then astronauts can be confident about the nutrients in their food during their
long stay in space.
40. The researchers grew red lettuce in Veggie to ______.
A. decide what kind of food astronauts should eat in space
B. find out how to keep astronauts safe and healthy in space
C. check if fresh vegetables can be processed safely in space
D. test if it’s possible to grow nutritious and safe food in space
41. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Earth-grown vegetables are safer and have more nutrients.
B. ISS-grown lettuce of different years has different nutrients.
C. Scientists wanted to understand nutrients in processed food.
D. Fewer bacteria and fungi were found on ISS-grown vegetables.
42. What do the underlined words “are consistent” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A. Stay unchanged. B. Become special. C. Stay comfortable. D. Become enjoyable.
43. The last paragraph suggests that ______.
A. Veggie plays an important part in astronauts’ healthy eating
B. astronauts need to keep the plant growth room dry and clean
C. researchers didn’t find out what food could be grown in space
D. scientists need to do further research on planting food in spac
FROM 111.198.181.*