- 主题:阿波罗月面起飞是谁拍的?
【 在 manutd502 的大作中提到: 】
: 你见过被胡赛武装骑脸输出的巅峰大国吗?哈哈
FROM 202.96.155.*
【 在 lengjingsi 的大作中提到: 】
: 给五千块钱,我可以帮你算,因为需要找文献查阅当时的技术条件,所以收费贵点。直观上来讲需要大口径天线低速传来补偿60dB,不如传到环月器返回舱再带回地球方便。
FROM 183.63.119.*
【 在 oochrainyoo 的大作中提到: 】
: 请先定义什么是“清晰可见”。就那几个像素点,你和我说是陨石坑也毫无违和感。
FROM 222.129.7.*
【 在 HANNING 的大作中提到: 】
: 专业的人能通过几个像素点进行人脑插值运算,脑补出来一个高精度的带细节的3D物体。
FROM 180.77.33.*
【 在 HANNING (WINDOWADD) 的大作中提到: 】
: 专业的人能通过几个像素点进行人脑插值运算,脑补出来一个高精度的带细节的3D物体。
: 【 在 oochrainyoo 的大作中提到: 】
: : 请先定义什么是“清晰可见”。就那几个像素点,你和我说是陨石坑也毫无违和感。
: :
FROM 107.3.131.*
That was the plan, at least. On Apollo 15, the tilt mechanism malfunctioned and the camera never moved upwards, allowing the lunar module to slip out of sight. And while the attempt on Apollo 16 gave a longer view of the lunar module rising up, the astronauts actually parked the rover too close to it, which threw off the calculations and timing of the tilt upwards so it left view just a few moments into the flight.
Ed Fendall was the person doing the controlling. In an oral history for NASA done in 2000, he recalled how complex the procedure was.
Now, the way that worked was this. Harley Weyer, who worked for me, sat down and figured what the trajectory would be and where the lunar rover would be each second as it moved out, and what your settings would go to. That picture you see was taken without looking at it [the liftoff] at all. There was no watching it and doing anything with that picture. As the crew counted down, that’s a [Apollo] 17 picture you see, as [Eugene] Cernan counted down and he knew he had to park in the right place because I was going to kill him, he didn’t — and Gene and I are good friends, he’ll tell you that — I actually sent the first command at liftoff minus three seconds. And each command was scripted, and all I was doing was looking at a clock, sending commands. I was not looking at the television. I really didn’t see it until it was over with and played back. Those were just pre-set commands that were just punched out via time. That’s the way it was followed.
【 在 wildwolf 的大作中提到: 】
: 登月舱返回时的点火信号是谁控制的?是休斯顿在操作还是登月舱上的宇航员在操作?
FROM 192.19.222.*
【 在 all4one 的大作中提到: 】
: 倒数好像是宇航员。
: 一切都是提前算好的。月球车要停在距离登月舱一个预定的距离上。
: 操作摄像机的人根本也不会去看传回来的画面,一切都是按计算好的时间。
: ...................
FROM 36.112.194.*
【 在 HANNING 的大作中提到: 】
: 不要乱说。
: 这个是自动跟踪的摄像机,里面有进行图像识别并跟踪的一套算法和装置,就和现在的监控摄像头一样。
: 当时还没有4G网络,拍完以后图像存在本地,下次登月的时候派人过去把里面的tf卡拿走换新的就行。
FROM 111.9.5.*
【 在 HANNING 的大作中提到: 】
: 不要乱说。这个是自动跟踪的摄像机,里面有进行图像识别并跟踪的一套算法和装置,就和现在的监控摄像头一样。当时还没有4G网络 ...
FROM 106.39.151.*
【 在 guiy 的大作中提到: 】
: 图像识别离谱了
: 我觉得预设下驱动曲线靠谱点吧
FROM 123.114.92.*