笑死侠变成震惊体标题党了? F9的发射成本从来没有公开过,普遍估计是$10-15M
A recent SpaceX rideshare mission known as “Bandwagon” raised concerns among many in the launch industry because the price was extremely low, according to industry officials who saw it as a tactic to take business from competitors. “Competing is one thing, predatory is another,” one industry executive said.
【 在 Crusade 的大作中提到: 】
: 中国卫通披露了上市企业年报,里面一则信息引起了网友注意:公司以人民币2.6亿元/发的平均价格,采购了2枚长征三号乙运载火箭,用于发射地球同步轨道通信卫星。
: 按现行汇率,2.6亿元人民币约相当于3600万美元,远低于SpaceX使用猎鹰9号火箭执行类似任务时6700万美元的公开报价。
FROM 45.142.158.*