- 主题:NASA局长:月球背面总是黑的,我不知道中国人去那里干什么
FROM 218.79.124.*

FROM 120.245.94.*

FROM 60.1.2.*
【 在 larryxin (神眼微尘) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这水平还不如板油吧
: --
: ※ 来源:·水木社区
FROM 174.231.18.*
FROM 61.160.87.*
【 在 larryxin 的大作中提到: 】
: 这水平还不如板油吧
FROM 120.229.49.*
【 在 larryxin 的大作中提到: 】
: 这水平还不如板油吧
FROM 93.234.245.*
FROM 180.141.111.*
懂不懂业务不知道,但是他肯定听过一首歌,叫dark side of the moon!
【 在 EricCartman 的大作中提到: 】
: 没看到原文和上下文。
: 不过这人是个政客,律师出身,不懂业务也是正常的。
FROM 218.79.124.*
*They had another successful launch on March 19th .....We are trying to get at what's the Chinese are doing you think on the back side of the moon. Do you have any insights on that?
**They are going to have a lander on the far side of the moon which is the side that's always in dark. We are not planning to go there.
*Why not and what's the benefit of doing so?
**we don't know what's on the back side of the moon so that would be something that they would discover but our decision is that is more profitable for us to go to the south pole of the moon. Because we think that's where the water is.
*Why do you think they made that decision I'm curious
**I have no idea
【 在 EricCartman 的大作中提到: 】
: 没看到原文和上下文。
: 不过这人是个政客,律师出身,不懂业务也是正常的。
FROM 72.195.231.*