- 主题:阿波罗的降落技术遥遥领先,
【 在 yutong 的大作中提到: 】
: 跟你说话真是费劲,这理解能力真让人无语
: 我说总重量包含月球轨道上那两坨呢,一共8吨多,落月的远没有8吨
FROM 106.120.220.*
Armstrong, from the 1969 Technical Debrief - "I first noticed that we were, in fact, disturbing the dust on the surface when we were something less than 100 feet; we were beginning to get a transparent sheet of moving dust that obscured visibility a little bit. As we got lower, the visibility continued to decrease. I don't think that the (visual) altitude determination was severely hurt by this blowing dust; but the thing that was confusing to me was that it was hard to pick out what your lateral and downrange velocities were, because you were seeing a lot of moving dust that you had to look through to pick up the stationary rocks and base your translational velocity decisions on that. I found that to be quite difficult. I spent more time trying to arrest translational velocity than I thought would be necessary."
【 在 maga 的大作中提到: 】
: 嗯,阿波罗11号登月舱在离地这么近的地方悬停了3秒以上,降落处地面的浮土还这么厚,一点吹痕不见,它用的一定是磁悬浮技术吧?相比之下,嫦娥6号就不行了,地面一点浮土都没有,阿波罗号果然遥遥领先
: :
FROM 106.120.220.*
Landing on the surface occurred at 102:45:39.9 with negligible forward velocity, approximately 2.1 ft/sec to the crew's left, and 1.7 ft/sec vertically. Body rate transients (motions after first footpad touchdown) occurred and indicate that the right and forward landing gear touched almost simultaneously, giving a roll-left and a pitch-up motion to the vehicle. The left-directed lateral velocity resulted in a slight yaw right transient at the point of touchdown. These touchdown conditions, obtained from attitude rates and integration of acceleration data, were verified qualitatively, by the at-rest position of the lunar surface sensing probes and by surface build up around the rims of the footpads ( as photographed by the astronauts during the EVA).
【 在 Zinux 的大作中提到: 】
: 这些都可以通过物理去解释,而不是拍脑袋的觉得越重就得压痕越深。
: 考虑压痕不能只考虑质量的,还有着陆速度、压强、接触角度、月面硬度等。
: 1、嫦娥是采取3米高自由落体,靠支撑结构缓冲。
: ...................
FROM 106.120.220.*
【 在 dnss 的大作中提到: 】
: 等于说宇航员的脚步比几个小圆盘撑着的20多顿重的东西压强大?文盲一样,不会比,不要乱比。你在飞机跑道上打钉子是不是得用锤子用力。
: 一个浮土表面,脚一踩一个脚印的地方,几十吨的东西,你再怎么轻拿轻放,也得压出一个坑。
: 看来这个版真有这么一群人,带着任务来的,明目张胆的侮辱人的智商啊
FROM 106.120.220.*
【 在 yutong 的大作中提到: 】
: 回贴前把上下文都看看知道人家讨论的是啥再回
FROM 106.120.220.*
【 在 dnss 的大作中提到: 】
: 意思就是正好着陆器的几个脚那里是石头,周围宇航员踩的地方是软土呗。
: 这么一看就明白了,明白你们这群人是什么角色了
: ...................
FROM 223.104.41.*