For a rocket engine, the efficiency of propellant use (the amount of impulse produced per mass of propellant) is measured by the specific impulse ({\displaystyle I_{sp}}I_{sp}), which is proportional to the effective exhaust velocity. For thermal rocket systems, the specific impulse increases as the square root of the temperature, and inversely as the square root of the molecular mass of the exhaust.
【 在 xiaoju 的大作中提到: 】
: 你这还是初中物理没学好,比冲和燃烧温度,排气分子量什么的没关系,就是个化学反应释放能量
: 星舰虽然重量远超过土星五号,但完成NASA登月也需要在轨加注两位数次数,原因很简单,比冲低还不搞多级。。。
: 燃料费就比SLS贵了,支持星舰灭掉SLS
: ...................
FROM 61.68.237.*