【 在 shootings 的大作中提到: 】
: 埃及还有能力将人家美帝的波音737改装成为“军机”,这个也搞笑了。
: 最好玩的是美帝压根不拿人家国家主权当回事,想在其他国家抓人就抓人,太TM牛叉了。
: A standoff occurred when 20 Carabinieri and 30 VAM (Vigilanza Areonautica Militare) contested for control of the plane with the 80 armed operatives of the U.S. Delta Force and SEAL Team Six. These contesting groups were soon surrounded by 300 additional armed Carabinieri (the Italian military police) who had also blocked off the runway with their trucks.[18][19][15] The Italian Air Force (VAM) personnel and Carabinieri had already been lining up facing the US special forces soon after the American's main contingent had arrived by C-141s. Other Carabinieri had been sent from Catania and Syracuse as reinforcement. These events became known as the Sigonella Crisis.[20]
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