Now contrast this, David, with the difference of a mortal enemy 60 years ago, the Soviet Union, each of us pointing nuclear warheads at each other, and out of that in 1975, in the Soviet Union, an American spacecraft and a Soviet spacecraft rendezvoused and docked, and the crews lived together for nine days. And ever since, we have had on the civilian program in space, cooperation with the Soviets until 1991, now the Russians. And to this day, we still have that cooperation. As a matter of fact, this morning in Kazakhstan at Baikonur Cosmodrome they launched another major component of the International Space Station that will be attached to this huge space station. And they continue to be our partners and to operate that space station with us and do the experimentations together. Contrast that with China.
MR. IGNATIUS: So, Senator--
MR. NELSON: They don’t want you messing around.
MR. IGNATIUS: My question is whether you’d like to see cooperation and partnership with China similar to what we’ve experienced with Russia. Is that something that you as NASA administrator would support?
MR. NELSON: If, in fact, they would open up, of course. If they would be cooperative in a very transparent way. But they haven’t. You mentioned the ASAT. They blew one of their satellites up, and it has proliferated junk all over that low Earth orbit area where there’s so many satellites and our International Space Station.
Just recently, the rocket that put up their space station, which technically is very good, but they didn’t provide for a controlled reentry. We didn’t know where that rocket was going to come down, as it ended up in the Indian Ocean. Fortunately, nobody got hit. But they wouldn’t tell us.
So I think we are in a space race with China. They are aggressive. They are good. But I wish they’d do what the old Soviet Union did. When it came to civilian space, I wish they’d cooperate and be transparent.
【 在 crazyli 的大作中提到: 】
: 我觉得这是翻译问题或有人故意歪曲人家的意思,人家的本意是如果中国要寻求与人家合作,那人家会提出前提条件:“对合作内容接受人家的审查”,并不是人家痴心妄想要对中国所有自己的发展计划都去审核,人家说了前提是如果中方欲寻求与美方的合作。
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