【 在 Etetet (LL) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: NASA希望中国允许美国对中方的太空发展计划进行审查
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jul 29 23:49:08 2021), 站内
: 纽时无辜中枪,为恨外而恨外,搞这个文章的那些人,连纽时和华邮都分不清,但不妨碍他们想写啥就写啥,挑动仇外情绪,反正歪果仁也看不着,国人也看不到原文。哎,害了多少人。华邮原文只是这家伙在议会回答问题的实录,原文看了,review都没看到,哈哈。
: So I think we are in a space race with China. They are aggressive. They are good. But I wish they’d do what the old Soviet Union did. When it came to civilian space, I wish they’d cooperate and be transparent.
: 【 在 lingxuke 的大作中提到: 】
: : 这也不是纽约时报啊。不过,且不论是不是纽时,这个原文看起来没有什么太大问题,
: : 远不像翻译的中文那样脑残。
: : Bill Nelson is also wary of China’s lack of transparency and cooperation wh
: : ...................
: --
: There were two main routes a culture could take, once it satisfied its basic material needs. One was to think and study: to stand back and observe, to seek knowledge and insight from the world around it. The other was to invest its energy in entrenching its good fortune.
: ※ 来源:·水木社区
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