自己看7条,starlink变轨过程中只要在(within ±2 x ±25 x ±25 km radial, in-track, cross-track centered on the ISS)这个范围以外,和iss相撞的概率就可以忽略
radial distance 边界是 2km, 这次starlink和css距离一直大于2km的
7) Perform mission orbit operations in such a way as to avoid any notifiable conjunctions with ISS(within ±2 x ±25 x ±25 km radial, in-track, cross-track centered on the ISS).
8) Inform NASA as soon as possible of any changes to the Starlink CA process that impact NASA.
9) Choose Starlink launch injection orbits (nominal and dispersed) that are at least 5km in altitude aboveor below ISS apogee or perigee.
【 在 xiaoju 的大作中提到: 】
: nasa哪里说了相撞概率为0?
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