"SpaceX has moved very quickly on development," Kirasich said about Raptor. "We've seen them manufacture what was called Raptor 1.0. They have since upgraded to Raptor 2.0 that first of all increases performance and thrust and secondly reduces the amount of parts, reducing the amount of time to manufacture and test. They build these things very fast. Their goal was seven engines a week, and they hit that about a quarter ago. So they are now building seven engines a week."
【 在 lvsoft 的大作中提到: 】
: 前段时间nasa和spacex发布的报告里确认的,具体就一句话,没有你说的这些细节。
: 我出门了,路上不方便贴资料,感兴趣的自己拿这几个关键字组合下搜搜吧。