“It is clear that the quality of the Internet from Starlink in eastern Ukraine is worse than in the west. This can be explained by the fact that Ukraine does not have its own Starlink ground station. The nearest stations are in Poland, Lithuania, and Turkey,” it said in the post.
【 在 ihiker 的大作中提到: 】
: 笑死我了。星链系统的地面站数量很少,绝大多数分布在美国、欧洲、澳大利亚,其余地方很少有。比如离日本韩国台湾最近的地面站在夏威夷,但这三处都可自由使用星链。乌克兰有好几万个星链终端,但乌克兰本土连一个地面站都没,最近的在波兰。孤陋寡闻承认就完了,嘴硬个啥
: 【 在 ia 的大作中提到: 】
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FROM 76.135.27.*