【 在 Texas 的大作中提到: 】
: 吹哨人做了两天的口头问话,准备开车回路易斯安那的老家,还打电话告诉他的母亲他周日到家。他的律师建议休息一两周,而波音的律师坚持吹哨人不能走。吹哨人说那就留下继续问话吧,他已经等了七年了。第二天早上律师在办公室等他的时候,他却在旅馆停车场自尽了。
: The previous day, Barnett had been on a roll as a video camera recorded the event. “John testified for four hours in questioning by my co-counsel Brian,” says Turkewitz. “This was following seven hours of cross examination by Boeing’s lawyers on Thursday. He was really happy to be telling his side of the story, excited to be fielding our questions, doing a great job. It was explosive stuff. As I’m sitting there, I’m thinking, ‘This is the best witness I’ve ever seen.’” At one point, says Turkewitz, the Boeing lawyer protested that Barnett was reciting the details of incidents from a decade ago, and specific dates, without looking at documents. As Turkevitz recalls the exchange, Barnett fired back, "I know these documents inside out. I’ve had to live it."
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FROM 106.37.199.*