42:13 阿姆 3000 at 70
42:24 阿姆 2000 at 50
42:31 aldrin 2000 feet 2000feet
102:42:13 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. 3000 at 70.
102:42:17 Aldrin: (Respoding to Charlie) Roger. Understand. Go for landing. (To Neil) 3000 feet.
102:42:19 Duke: Copy.
102:42:19 Aldrin: Program Alarm. (Pause) 1201
[Table 5-I in the Apollo 11 Mission Report gives a time of the 1201 alarm as 102:41:32. The error in the transcript time of Buzz's call is small.]
102:42:24 Armstrong: 1201. (Pause) (onboard) Okay, 2000 at 50.
102:42:25 Duke: Roger. 1201 alarm. (Pause) We're Go. Same type. We're Go.
102:42:31 Aldrin: 2000 feet. 2000 feet.
102:42:32 Armstrong: (onboard) (With some urgency in his voice, possibly as he sees West Crater) Give me an LPD (angle).
102:42:?? Aldrin: Into the AGS. (Then reading the LPD from the PNGS as displayed on the DSKY) 47 degrees.
【 在 huangk (沉默的大多数) 的大作中提到: 】
: 每秒下降100feet,10s 3000下降到2000是差不多的
: 70 50不一定说的速度 ,也许是角度呢?
FROM 27.185.21.*