【 在 gaugephoenix 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: nasa发言人:为什么中国的月球计划没有包括美国
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Sun Jun 30 17:49:31 2024), 站内
: 你为什么不先把他说的引用完整再跟主贴正文比较呢?
: China worked with the European Space Agency, France, Italy and Pakistan on a mission that retrieved the first-ever samples from the far side of the moon this week. NASA wasn’t invited to take part in the moon probe, agency spokesperson FAITH McKIE told N
: atSec Daily.
: NASA also didn’t get “any direct invitation” to study China’s moon rocks, McKie said, after China welcomed all scientists from around the world to apply to study them. It’s unclear if China specifically invited any countries, but those who took part
: in the probe will likely study the rocks — which could help countries better understand the lunar surface that Washington and Beijing have been trying to develop.
: 【 在 stockfan 的大作中提到: 】
: : 因为他并没有这么说。
: : China worked with the European Space Agency, France, Italy and Pakistan on a mission that retrieved the first-ever samples from the far side of the moon this week. NASA wasn’t invited to take part in the moon probe, agency spokesperson FAITH McKIE told
: NatSec Daily.
: : 来看看和中文不一样的地方。
: --
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