桂海潮也算平民,谁说不算了? 你到底想争论个什么? 我就很纳闷了。 美国人送几个普通人上太空,你非要证明这几个人不是普通人? 开网店的,儿童医院理疗师,还不够普通么?
“For many months, for 100s of hours, at SpaceX locations, they have been doing all kinds of training: They have studied over 90 different kinds of training guides and manuals and lessons to learn to fly Crew Dragon, and what to do under emergency situations,” a spokesperson noted in a live stream Q&A with the Inspiration4 crew.
【 在 ia 的大作中提到: 】
: 非常短是多少天?桂海潮又算不算平民?开网店的和教书的,有什么本质区别么?
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