- 主题:教主接受采访曝光离婚原因
【 在 sayde 的大作中提到: 】
FROM 211.143.51.*
【 在 lixianghui 的大作中提到: 】
: 呜呜呜,英文看不懂。
: 中文上面的话发不出来,怒了!mmp,万恶的审查
: ...................
FROM 117.40.134.*
【 在 lixianghui 的大作中提到: 】
: 秀了我一脸
: If a man has a problem, most Chinese don't seem to divorce, usually adopt or go to a sperm bank (in China, sperm banks are only open to married couples),
: ...................
FROM 117.40.134.*
【 在 sayde 的大作中提到: 】
: If a man has a problem, most Chinese don't seem to divorce, usually adopt or go to a sperm bank (in China, sperm banks are only open to married couples),
: If a woman has a problem, the general mother-in-law began to pick at the daughter-in-law, forcing the daughter-in-law to drink medicine treatment, etc., if it is not possible, the man will divorce his wife.
: The master may be afraid that others think she has a problem, so he insists that men have a problem, but in fact, hey... And I shouldn't have said anything about my husband on the Internet. It's all bad-mouthing other people.
: ...................
FROM 218.72.32.*
【 在 daturann 的大作中提到: 】
: 这是做一次的钱,做几次还要加
: 而且试管真的还挺麻烦的,对身体也有损伤,又不保证成功
: 最近网上经常给我发推送,有些人试了五六年都没成功
: 一定要说爱说奉献,教主肯定是没有的
: 但教主肯定觉得为什么一定要她有爱有奉献?换个老公就好了
: --
发自「今日水木 on iOS」
FROM 223.104.41.*
【 在 daturann 的大作中提到: 】
【 在 sayde 的大作中提到: 】
: If a man has a problem, most Chinese don't seem to divorce, usually adopt or go to a sperm bank (in China, sperm banks are only open to married couples),
: If a woman has a problem, the general mother-in-law began to pick at the daughter-in-law, forcing the daughter-in-law to drink medicine treatment, etc., if it is not possible, the man will divorce his wife.
: The master may be afraid that others think she has a problem, so he insists that men have a problem, but in fact, hey... And I shouldn't have said anything about my husband on the Internet. It's all bad-mouthing other people.
: ...................
FROM 211.143.51.*
【 在 daturann 的大作中提到: 】
: 如果男人无精症,可以接受别的男的供给精子吗?
: 如果女的子宫质量不好,男的会愿意拿出六十万找dy吗?
: 如果女的卵子不好,男的会愿意拿出三四十万购买别的女人的卵子做试管吗?
: ...................
FROM 123.127.240.*
So, how ridiculous the red world is........
which world is red?
【 在 sayde 的大作中提到: 】
: If a man has a problem, most Chinese don't seem to divorce, usually adopt or go to a sperm bank (in China, sperm banks are only open to married couples),
: If a woman has a problem, the general mother-in-law began to pick at the daughter-in-law, forcing the daughter-in-law to drink medicine treatment, etc., if it is not possible, the man will divorce his wife.
: The master may be afraid that others think she has a problem, so he insists that men have a problem, but in fact, hey... And I shouldn't have said anything about my husband on the Internet. It's all bad-mouthing other people.
: ...................
FROM 123.127.240.*
【 在 kindstrike (kind) 的大作中提到: 】
: 教主接受采访曝光离婚原因:“闪婚时我以为遇到了真爱,半年后才发现他不育”
: 正在加载
FROM 117.129.57.*
【 在 xiaoleafa 的大作中提到: 】
: 在这个年龄还能采取换老公策略,真是非常佩服她的自信。换人耽误的时间可不止一年,中间的试错成本我都替她焦虑。祝福她能一年内找到人怀上娃吧!我认识好几对男方是无精子症,需要用针管去蛋蛋里抽取精子,最后获取数都数得过来的几个几十个来做二代,试管做了三次左右,最后成功生娃,家庭更幸福更稳固了。
: 发自「今日水木 on iOS」
FROM 218.72.32.*