有兴趣可以查一下,虚拟的arm windows有如下影响
1, 64-bit (x64) apps won’t work.
2, Apps won't work if they use a version of OpenGL greater than 1.1
3, Apps that customize the Windows experience might have problems. This
includes some IMEs, assistive technologies, and cloud storage apps
4, Windows Fax and Scan isn’t available.
【 在 Mosobamboo (****) 的大作中提到: 】
: 啊啊啊啊,真的可以吗?我也想装这个。。。
: 完美运行win?
: - 来自「最水木 for iPhone Xs」
: ...................
修改:cppbuilder FROM 1.203.151.*
FROM 1.203.151.*