Apple will start switching its Macs to its own ARM-based processors later this year, but you won’t be able to run Windows in Boot Camp mode on them. Microsoft only licenses Windows 10 on ARM to PC makers to preinstall on new hardware, and the company hasn’t made copies of the operating system available for anyone to license or freely install.
“Microsoft only licenses Windows 10 on ARM to OEMs,” says a Microsoft spokesperson in a statement to The Verge. We asked Microsoft if it plans to change this policy to allow Windows 10 on ARM-based Macs, and the company says “we have nothing further to share at this time.”
【 在 hyoga (白鸟·没见过猪跑,还没吃过猪肉吗?) 的大作中提到: 】
: 然而稍微需要点性能的游戏就惨不忍睹了。不知道某一天bootcamp能直接跑win arm了
: 是不是能好一点。
: 对比mac的罗赛塔,感觉对windows信心还是差一些。
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