- 主题:只有国行不支持卫星紧急信息服务
International travelers who visit the U.S. and Canada can use Emergency SOS via satellite, except if they bought their phone in China mainland, Hong Kong, or Macao. Emergency SOS via satellite isn't offered on iPhone models purchased in China mainland, Hong Kong, or Macao.
FROM 104.28.85.*
【 在 wangjj2000 的大作中提到: 】
: International travelers who visit the U.S. and Canada can use Emergency SOS via satellite, except if they bought their phone in China mainland, Hong K
: ..................
发自「今日水木 on iPhone 11」
FROM 223.104.38.*
【 在 wangjj2000 (wangjj2000) 的大作中提到: 】
: International travelers who visit the U.S. and Canada can use Emergency SOS via satellite, except if they bought their phone in China mainland, Hong Kong, or Macao. Emergency SOS via satellite isn't offered on iPhone models purchased in China mainland, Hong Kong, or Macao.
: 这个太不厚道了啊
FROM 45.78.53.*
【 在 wangjj2000 (wangjj2000) 的大作中提到: 】
: International travelers who visit the U.S. and Canada can use Emergency SOS via satellite, except if they bought their phone in China mainland, Hong Kong, or Macao. Emergency SOS via satellite isn't offered on iPhone models purchased in China mainland, Hong Kong, or Macao.
: 这个太不厚道了啊
FROM 223.104.42.*
【 在 wangjj2000 (wangjj2000) 的大作中提到: 】
: International travelers who visit the U.S. and Canada can use Emergency SOS via satellite, except if they bought their phone in China mainland, Hong Kong, or Macao. Emergency SOS via satellite isn't offered on iPhone models purchased in China mainland, Hong Kong, or Macao.
: 这个太不厚道了啊
FROM 123.120.186.*