Although not a major update the cameras got improved across all four iPhones. The larger sensors and the better capabilities of the ISP inside the A15 Bionic have helped improve the camera experience over their predecessors but those improvements would be spotted only by people who look really closely.
All three reviews say that daylight performance is almost identical to the previous generation, but low-light photos look a tad better than before with the more prominent change being the dedicated Night mode. The latter seems to retain the shadows without overexposing and thus creating more balanced and true-to-life photos.
First iPhone 13 lineup reviews are in: here's what we learned
The most noticeable difference according to The Verge and MKBHD is the ultrawide camera, which is now better in almost every way. The telephoto camera takes a hit in low-light conditions, which is rather expected due to the longer, 3x zoom.
【 在 Onepunchman1 的大作中提到: 】
: 批量产品的一致性是底线吧,国外大牌kol手能开光不成?我贴的图13pro实实在在的翻车了
: 而且verge的测评我也看了,结论
: 1 白天样张和12基本没区别
: ....................
- 来自「最水木 for iPhone 11」
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