2012版 mpb15,256G,读写380
2013版 mbp13,1T,读写550
2015版 mbp15,128G,读写1200,后被我更新成为WD黑盘 750-2T,读写2900/2300
2018版 mbp15,512G,读写3000左右
2021版 mbp14, 1T,读写5400左右
走PCIE 4.0的SSD,现在随便弄个,都是5000往上走的速度。而且1T的零售价大几百不过千。2T的也就是1600~1800。苹果这是给的又少,价格又高……何必呢。现在2T是主流啊。。。苹果的本子给2T有啥舍不得的?
【 在 Avocado 的大作中提到: 】
: 入门版看来用了低能版SSD,读写速度比m1版低50%和30%..
: YouTube channels such as Max Tech and Created Tech tested the 256GB model with Blackmagic's Disk Speed Test app and found that the SSD's read and write speeds are both around 1,450 MB/s, which is around 50% slower reading and around 30% slower writing compared to the 13-inch MacBook Pro with the M1 chip and 256GB of storage.
: Disk Speed Test app numbers shared by Vadim Yuryev of Max Tech:
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