Founded 2003
Tesla Roadster Prototypes were introduced to the public in July 2006
The first "Signature One Hundred" set of fully equipped Roadsters sold out in less than three weeks,[61] the second hundred sold out by October 2007, and general production began on March 17, 2008.[62] Since February 2008 two new models were introduced, one in July 2009, and another in July 2010
Model S
The Model S was announced in a press release on June 30, 2008.[79][80] The sedan was originally code-named "Whitestar".[81] Retail deliveries began in the U.S. on June 22, 2012
【 在 facilitator (诱) 的大作中提到: 】
: 在06年就开始做特斯拉 说明他足够忽悠
: 研发一个电动车也就是三四年的时间 之所以拖了7年才弄出来就是因为开始研发的时候根本就没有成熟的电池技术 而研发电池就是专业做电池的化学家也未必能保证
: 而他特斯拉做出来的时候比亚迪E6也都跑了好几年了 跟山寨之都同一个时间档完成类似的产品 没觉得他的逼格有任何提高
: ...................
FROM 188.30.4.*