8 x 9.8 x 1000 / 400 = 196
平方根196 = 14
14 / 2 / 3.14 = 2.23 Hz
后轮负载260kg,采用劲度系数6kg/mm的弹簧,那么后轮的弹簧频率:... = 2.39 Hz
Stiffness is relative to the weight of the vehicle, so rather than tuning by stiffness you should be tuning spring frequency. Yes, that catches most people out, so don’t worry. A higher spring stiffness gives a higher frequency, and vice versa. While lower frequencies allow the tyre to stay in contact with the road as much as possible (and hence maximum grip), they also allow more body roll (which reduces maximum grip due to tyres being load sensitive). High frequencies do the exact opposite.
So obviously there is an optimum point in spring frequency – in real life this is known to be around 1.9-2.2Hz for cars around 1 tonne in mass (typical for GT racing cars). That doesn’t automatically mean these frequencies are best for LFS, however. As the weight increases this optimum frequency decreases and vice versa. Since the heaviest car in the game clocks the scales at just over 1.2 tonnes, 2Hz should still be a good point to start from and I wouldn’t recommend dipping much lower. For lighter cars, this optimum point may reach as high as 3Hz, although I wouldn’t recommend going quite that high for any road car in LFS. It’s best to experiment as see what feels best for you. Formula 1 cars are known to use anything in the range of 4 to 8Hz, but there are more reasons for that which I will explain in part 3.
【 在 RaceFace (Deus) 的大作中提到: 】
: 其实就是前后侧倾刚度分配的问题,我猜这篇文章默认车前后轴荷分配是1.38:1,没有横向稳定杆喽,要不然这些结论都是错的。
: 稳态过弯时车轮的载荷转移主要看前后悬架侧倾刚度,而如果没有横向稳定杆的话就看弹簧了,但弹簧压缩量跟车轮跳动量之比一般还不是一比一,有可能前后悬架都还不一样,所以弹簧刚度并不等于悬架线刚度,按照此文章说的来改车就更不对了。
: 我看的书上一般的建议是,让前悬架的侧倾刚度比它分担的轴荷百分比多5%,比如,前后轴荷比是45:55,那侧倾刚度比就是50:50,这样车只有轻微的不足转向。然后把这个当成baseline,通过试车感受侧倾刚度该往哪边调。
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