【 在 gt86 的大作中提到: 】
: 没玩过gt系列,特别是gt6,看到一上市的标配就有86这车,羡慕极了。原来在rf里面也渴望摸一下86,最好是原厂设定,但一直缺乏此类mod,仅有一个拉力版,没安装成功,并且rf的各种mod感觉就是那么几套物理,套个壳罢了。到gsc好了很多,依然可以加载各种亲切的赛道,可惜还是没有86。pc玩家终于盼来了ac的1.2升级版,他们在update log中写到: The Toyota GT86 is a very balanced car, and for this reason, maybe is one of the most wanted model included in the new package. This car has been developed in cooperation with RSR Nurburg, that knows each single secret of this modern hachi-roku (eighty six), a car that makes every car enthusiast yell with excitement and every tyre tremble with fear. 当真有种买了真车的感觉。
: 接下来就是计划刷纽北了,套用知乎地铁广告的说法,你离黑泽元治有多远?5000圈。ac有个插件挺有意思,可以显示在线排名,具体看这里:
http://www.radiators-champ.com/RSRLiveTiming/index.php?page=rank&track=1006&car=1753: ...................
FROM 117.136.38.*