J1773_200905 SAE Electric Vehicle Inductively Coupled Charging 五月 28, 2009 Reaffirmed
J2293/1_200807 Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles--Part 1: Functional Requirements and System Architectures 七月 07, 2008 Revised
J2293/2_200807 Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles - Part 2: Communication Requirements and Network Architecture 七月 08, 2008 Revised
J2344_201003 Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Safety 三月 05, 2010 Revised
J2841_201009 Utility Factor Definitions for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using Travel Survey Data 九月 21, 2010 Revised
J2847/1_201006 Communication between Plug-in Vehicles and the Utility Grid 六月 16, 2010 Issued
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