【 在 hustese (匆匆过客) 的大作中提到: 】
: 沃尔沃6月在美国相比去年增长42%,离奥迪在美国的销量越来越近了,啥时候在中国跟奥迪差距只有美国这么小舒服哥就nb了,估计那天吉利集团和华为就是中国企业的top2
: In the tale of two Swedes, Chinese-owned Volvo reported U.S. sales up 42% in June, while fellow Sweden-based maker Saab remains shut down and trying to broker a Chinese rescue.
: Volvo Cars of North America sales were just 7,100 units, but that was 42.1% better than June last year, and sales for the first six months are up 28.7%.
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