- 主题:汽车信息化要多久能实现
【 在 pce (熄熄火 消消气) 的大作中提到: 】
: 手机从传统的通信终端华丽变身为信息化平台,不过短短三四年的时间,引来无数IT公司蜂拥而至,无数码农为之折腰。我看好汽车成为下一个信息化平台,就是不清楚当前这方面进展如何,主要难点在哪些方面,就目前的onstar、inkanet而言,充其量只是个应用集成,貌似并没有
FROM 68.49.26.*
【 在 gop (我爱我老婆) 的大作中提到: 】
: what you are worrying about is the informationization of the driver, not the informationization of the car.
: I believe finally there will be a dynamica network of the cars on road, and information of accidents, traffice jam, best(fast) route to a destination... will be collected automatically, and be shared by all of the cars in time.
FROM 68.49.26.*
【 在 gop (我爱我老婆) 的大作中提到: 】
: the network can be an ad-hoc network, or a network with masters as part of the road just like the road lamps.
: and privacy can be protected by tech.. for example. each cars is identified by a dynamical ID allocated when it joins the network, instead of a fixed ID assigned by the manufacturer or police.
: the key point is that there must be an organization who draft the standard and push the business.
: ...................
FROM 68.49.26.*