- 主题:求一个paper The Magic Formula Tyre Model
Pacejka, H.B., Bakker, E., “The Magic Formula Tyre Model,” Proceedings 1st Tyre Colloquium, Delft, Oct.1991, Supplement to Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 21, 1993
FROM 60.167.251.*
【 在 iThinkPad (整车工程师) 的大作中提到: 】
: Pacejka, H.B., Bakker, E., “The Magic Formula Tyre Model,” Proceedings 1st Tyre Colloquium, Delft, Oct.1991, Supplement to Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 21, 1993
: 不知道谁能搞到,呵呵。谢谢啦
FROM 222.68.248.*
【 在 tankyumin (Inspiriert) 的大作中提到: 】
: Brennstoffzelle
FROM 60.167.240.*