- 主题:国内目前能买到的哪些车算得上track car?
【 在 leonwucs (leonwucs) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不考虑超跑,国内目前能买到的哪些车算得上track car?
: 一个英文网站列了几条参考原则(核心也是围绕“跑/拐/停”):
: Light weight
: ...................
FROM 173.65.4.*
an FRZ runs 2nd fastest time of the day in our autocross event.
beating many good cars.
(i didn't go there this month but saw this from the brochure they sent me)
There are many good and experienced driver and some really fast cars(lots of
modded miatas, STIs, EVOs and rx7, corvette, porsches, M3, etc) in that cl
ub and it's very very hard to get the top times of the day.
That FRS driver owns a GTR(R35), but just sold it and get a FRS...
【 在 NikkorNOCT (囧国王|凹凸贞洁党) 的大作中提到: 】
: 在见到实车之前我对86持保留意见……
FROM 173.65.4.*
of course autocross is different from tracking, and the most downside of 86/
frs/brz is lack of power, but it should give you more fun, at leat could bea
t/compete miata
【 在 hueyhy (三坦克人族 smth_Cesc) 的大作中提到: 】
: an FRZ runs 2nd fastest time of the day in our autocross event.
: beating many good cars.
: (i didn't go there this month but saw this from the brochure they sent me)
: ...................
FROM 173.65.4.*
btw, when talking about "track ready" I assume that you don't need do major
upgrade to most of the parts (suspension, brakes, etc.)
I believe when doing the design for 86, they should have already considered things like
the heat dissipation for brakes
【 在 leemaverick (Yuan) 的大作中提到: 】
: 86绝对直接track ready。丰田章男搞这车就这唯一目的hoho
: 当然。。轮胎最好还是换一下,如果跑抓地的话。。原厂丰田prius轮胎。
修改:hueyhy FROM 173.65.4.*
FROM 173.65.4.*
i love STI!
【 在 leemaverick (Yuan) 的大作中提到: 】
: 没有人说sti啊。。
FROM 173.65.4.*
【 在 leemaverick (Yuan) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你今天干嘛呢。。。。在中文论坛发一大堆英文。
: 哈哈
FROM 70.118.118.*