以前做stand up comedian就赚很多,现在是最有名的脱口秀主持人之一,赚3000万美元一年。但是他自己号称他这么多年做脱口秀主持人的收入他从来没用到过,用得还是以前做笑星时候的收入。
其中这一段他自己的采访。I had two jobs as a kid, one at a fast-food restaurant and one at a Ford dealership. And I'd put the money from one job in one pocket and spend it. And the other paycheck I'd save," he says. "I do that now. I have always banked my Tonight Show money and lived off the stand-up. I have one credit card, no mortgage, and I don't lease."
【 在 eamon 的大作中提到: 】
: 他为嘛这么有钱
FROM 157.182.37.*