quote:‘This crew is so fun to watch because it is made up of Germans, Italians and British, and their driver is Chinese. Sometimes things get lost in translation, but not this time. There were very little words exchanged between the boys.’
伍家麒的资料 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ng_(racing_driver) 我第一次知道他是2010年他跑北美职业漂移赛,他开一台国旗色涂装上面有巨大香港特区区旗的FC RX7。之后他就去私人车队跑wtcc啦。再后来发现他跟owen Guo很熟,看上去两个人经历差不多,在美国同一个地方自己跑赛道日跑着玩跑出来的,伍家麒开始时间可能还更晚一些。 -- 修改:leemaverick FROM 67.165.81.* FROM 69.161.253.*