【 在 eamon (伊蒙|凹凸贞洁党) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 谁把这段讲解刹车的解释清楚了...
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Jul 8 17:09:29 2013), 站内
: 没任何问题
: In four wheel vehicles trail braking pertains to using the brakes past the c
: orner entrance (as opposed to the normally taught practice of releasing the
: brakes before starting the turn). This practice is used for creating weight
: transfer towards the front tires, thus increasing their traction and reducin
: g understeer. It works best in light vehicles that have their brake bias to
: the front.
在四轮车辆中,trail braking指的是在入弯时刹车(有别于通常所教的弯前释放刹车)。trail braking用来把车辆中心转移到前轮以增加前轮的抓地,这样可以减少转向不足。贞洁车用tb效果最好。
: In order to be properly performed, the driver must have excellent sense of t
: he vehicle's behavior and be able to keep the braking effort within very tig
: ht limits. Excessive braking effort may result in the vehicle heavily unders
: teering, or - if the brake bias is set to nearly neutral - in the rear wheel
: s locking, effectively causing the vehicle to spin as in a handbrake turn.
: 视频里说:
: if steering is added while at threshold, the tire will lock up unless some
: of the braking force was released. this leads to the trail braking, or sligh
: t rotation or pointing of a car upon release the brake paddle at turning, ca
: n be great useful.
如果临界制动时加入了转向,那么(由于轮胎抓地都用来制动了,因此)轮胎将会抱死,除非你松开一点刹车踏板释放一些制动力(也就是给轮胎减负让空余出来的抓地能够进行转向)。在车辆入弯时松开(一些刹车踏板,同时转向,让没抱死的轮胎一边刹车以便转向),这么做就形成了tb, 或是轻微地甩尾,这很有用。
: 【 在 puzzy (H3D~pbook) 的大作中提到: 】
: :
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg5NzU4MzMy.html: : 我总觉着字幕有点问题。但又听不出哪里有问题。
: : 就是觉着没讲清楚。
: : ...................
: --
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