【 在 xueshixin02 (运动男.) 的大作中提到: 】
: General Motors is turning heads this month—on the technical literature front, that is. The automaker is publishing 12 SAE International technical papers related to the 2011 Chevrolet Volt. SAE Publications experts believe the dozen papers received from a single source, in a single year, focused on a single topic, represent a milestone in the tech-paper realm.
: It’s not uncommon for SAE International to publish multiple technical papers related to a single subject in any given year. This typically occurs when the industry is pushing hard to meet new regulatory mandates, such as those regarding emissions and occupant protection. In most cases, papers published on a single topic are submitted by a variety of sources—perhaps an OEM, a few suppliers, and a research university, for example.
: But the dozen papers on Volt’s development and technologies were authored by GM engineers, and the effort coordinated and sanctioned by GM. The Volt papers are among 1250 new tech papers being published, as is SAE tradition, at the 2011 World Congress. (Go to
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