In four wheel vehicles trail braking pertains to using the brakes past the c
orner entrance (as opposed to the normally taught practice of releasing the
brakes before starting the turn). This practice is used for creating weight
transfer towards the front tires, thus increasing their traction and reducin
g understeer. It works best in light vehicles that have their brake bias to
the front.
In order to be properly performed, the driver must have excellent sense of t
he vehicle's behavior and be able to keep the braking effort within very tig
ht limits. Excessive braking effort may result in the vehicle heavily unders
teering, or - if the brake bias is set to nearly neutral - in the rear wheel
s locking, effectively causing the vehicle to spin as in a handbrake turn.
if steering is added while at threshold, the tire will lock up unless some
of the braking force was released. this leads to the trail braking, or sligh
t rotation or pointing of a car upon release the brake paddle at turning, ca
n be great useful.
【 在 puzzy (H3D~pbook) 的大作中提到: 】
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg5NzU4MzMy.html: 我总觉着字幕有点问题。但又听不出哪里有问题。
: 就是觉着没讲清楚。
: ...................
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