jerry:i want it. i would love to have the first one.
salesman:i m so sorry Mr Seinfeld but you are number 2 on the list.
jerry:who is number 1?
salesman:that guy.
jerry:so, u r number 1.
number 1 guy on the list:yeah.
jerry: how'd you like to be number 20. 给你20块钱,咱们换换位置怎么样我第一个拿车你第二个拿。
jerry:i ll throw in the soup nazi. soup nazi是电视剧seinfeld里面其中一集的名字也是这一集讲的故事里面的核心人物的名字,是个在路边卖soup的。为啥他外号叫nazi就是纳粹很容易想象啦。这个角色演得很好所以被提名了艾美奖。
soup nazi:soup for you.
jerry: i don't know all the characters. 这个意思是虽然这个电视剧我是主演,但是其他大牌我没法请来只能找个这哥们来取悦你一下,你就凑合一下啦。
jerry: last-living munchkins. munchkins是啥需要你自己网上搜一下啦哈哈。这个seinfeld的意思是你看我多有诚意,我给你找来了1939年电影the wizard of oz里面演munchkins角色还活着的最后一个演员。
number 1 guy on the list:i thought he passed away. 这哥们说我以为他们全死光了啊,最后一个也死了啊。
jerry: i found another one. jerry被揭穿了,说,死光了也没关系,我找到了另一个。无语。。。哈哈。
jerry: dancing holographic monkey? 想要我的全息投影跳舞猴子么。。
number 1 guy on the list: i have one.
jerry: i ll make small talk with the omelet guy for you. 我愿意为了你,逗这个做煎鸡蛋的哥们玩。你看我调戏他啊,等着。。
jerry: u ever take an egg home with you? Is your head that shape underneath the hat? u ever feel bad about coming out of the toilet and coming right back to work here? nobody knows it. you do.
jerry: anybody like dirty limericks? jerry主动在number 1 guy的家庭聚会上表演stand up comedy。就是讲即兴笑话做表演嘉宾给大家助兴。他问:谁想听下流打油诗。。
old lady: yams? 老太太好意问,小伙子,你给我们表演辛苦了啦,要不要吃点红薯啊。
jerry: nobody wants any yams,sweetheart.beat it. I am trying to get a roll going. 亲爱的,没人对你的yams甘兴趣。给我滚开!!!(beat it)我正在进入角色呢。
jerry: i will recap last week's episode of jersey gangland for you with sock puppet. 我愿意给你用袜子puppet给你表演上礼拜jersey gangland里面的剧情。
jerry: Manicotti is dead. I am the man you want now.
wife: is he still here?
number 1 guy on the list: Yes.
jerry: god..bad bad idea.
jerry: i got you a new boat.
number 1 guy on the list: wow........no!!!
jerry: final offer. for the record i don't think i like you quite as much as i did at the beginning. 我已经尽力了啊哥们。。最后我再试一次啦。这个你不要我也没办法了只好放弃。
number 1 guy on the list: i m listening.
jerry: That's just my personal network of manhattan zip-lines
number 1 guy on the list: wow, impressive. u get the first Acura nsx.
jay: how about a jet pack flighing squirrel suit. new york to la 20 minutes.
number 1 guy on the list: sorry Jerry.
jerry: i know...
voice-over:the acura nsx. it's coming.
alien: Leno (_@(_$#(*!)@_$ 外星人很生jey leno的气,恨恨的说。。。
jerry: alright, can we talk about something else??? 难过,被伤到啦。不想提这事了。
【 在 EVOzhen 的大作中提到: 】
: 宋飞。。。
: 虽然没太看懂吧 怎么外星人都跑出来了。。。。
: 不过不明觉厉啊
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