The dynamic weight capacity is the weight your car can handle when driving. This is the maximum weight capacity specified by your vehicle manufacturer. It’s basically the weight capacity needed to hold your rooftop tent.
The static weight capacity, on the other hand, is the weight that your car can take when the car is parked, the tent is set up and the ladder is added. Since the ladder adds extra support, the static weight capacity is usually three times more than the dynamic weight capacity. This tells you the weight needed to hold the tent and the people sleeping inside.
【 在 frogcow (肥牛牛) 的大作中提到: 】
: 可能我的车太烂了... 手册上的静态承重也只有那么点。动态就更差了,时速大于 70km/h 时,动态承重只有 35kg。绝大部分车顶帐篷+横杆的重量都超过这个限制。
FROM 73.63.245.*