Tailgating: maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. If you are being tailgated, leave more space between you and the vehicle in front of you.
Vehicle Code 21703 VC is the California statute that prohibits drivers from following the vehicle in front too closely, or tailgating. A ticket for this traffic offense is an infraction that carries a fine of $238.00 plus court costs.
【 在 nVidia (唉.......) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 据说有明文规定,慢车要主动给后面的快车让道
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Sun Oct 10 00:48:03 2021), 站内
: 你在美国开过车?
: 我在美国开了上万公里的车,也没被警察抓过。当然,我在美国还真没碰到这种不开眼挡路的。倒是我自己有好多次因为路不熟开慢了点,被后车狂滴滴的。
: 另外,话说美国的Drivers Handbook,写的那是相当的好,各种情况规定的都很详细。里面还专门说了如果有后车跟你非常近顶着你开的情况下该怎么办。
: 摘一段:
: The following are examples of common behaviors that can lead to aggressive driving and how to avoid them:
: Lane Blocking–Don’t block the passing lane. Stay out of the far left lane if other traffic wants to drive faster, and yield to the right for any vehicle that wants to pass.
: 这话写的多简单明确。
: 对了,这个手册有繁体中文版的,可以自行下载阅读。
: 话说,我当年考美国驾照可是一次满分通过的。
: 【 在 here080 的大作中提到: 】
: : 你要是在美国开车,分分钟被警察抓。
: :
: --
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